Here is a photo of me just before going in to the pre-surgery room (my sister in the background.)
I did not want to walk into the surgery room, but had to laugh about Dani's Grey's Anatomy approach. I sure did get the entire experience.
First step was into a check in room. I was told to get into the hospital pajama's and gown. Second step was the pre-surgery holding room. I got the IV in my arm and then waited the long wait. I was surprise that I walked into the surgery room and actually laid on that table....I was a little freaked, but I told the anesthesiolist that I did not want to "hang out in the surgery room" and he accommodated me well. I laid down and asked where Dr. Feldman was and that is all I remember. Surgery was suppose to take place at 9:15 but was delayed until 10:06, the entire surgery lasted 2 hours and 20 minutes.
Pulling out of recovery was very strange too. I remember looking at the clock on the wall and asking if it was all done. Of course I knew something was different because my mouth was banded pretty tight. Shortly there after I was transferred to my room.
As you can see, I am looking here like what the hell did I just do?
Here is my Day 1 post op appointment at Dr. Feldman's office. The room was super hot and I was trying not to get sick.
The trip home was okay car ride...ferry ride...I was very glad to be home.
Day 2, we went to see Dr. Feldman because the splint he wired into my mouth had very sharp wires (still does) and I wanted him to trim them. For some reason he didn't - I was too outta of it to figure why.
I did order one of these which came late because of shipping errors, but is very nice once you get it set up!
And, finally today's photo...